Aurélie Marrier d'Unienville/Oxfam

Students of the Child Club at the high school in a village in Nepalgunj district, Nepa
Students of the Child Club at the high school in a village in Nepalgunj district, Nepa

FAQs for schools

Questions about Oxfam and schools? You might find the information you need below.

Oxfam has a wealth of free resources, activity ideas and lesson plans for teachers - a whole website of them! Check out Oxfam Education for teaching materials for all ages across the curriculum.

As well as providing teaching resources, Oxfam works through education to promote Global Citizenship, empowering young people to act for a more just, secure and sustainable world.

If you have a particular query about our work in education and schools, don't hesitate to email us on or phone 0300 200 1300.

Yes. Oxfam School Speakers are available in most locations throughout England, and also in Wales. They are fully trained volunteers who work with local schools to raise awareness of the issues surrounding global poverty, Oxfam's work, and what teachers and pupils can do to make a positive difference in the world.

Speakers can also deliver a series of three 'Oxfam Sparks Action' workshops to help pupils learn, think and take action on a range of global poverty issues

If your pupils are aged 8-18, please visit our School Speaker pages, or call us on 0300 200 1300 to find out more.

Oxfam and its recycling partners can help turn mobile phones, gadgets and computers into money - to go towards our work around the world to end poverty. Find out more on how and what to recycle with Oxfam.

You can fundraise for a particular item in our fantastic Oxfam Unwrapped catalogue. You can buy lots of things from a school desk and chair to a whole classroom! To find out more, give our friendly Oxfam Unwrapped team a call on 0870 410 5030. (Monday to Friday - 9am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday - 10am to 5pm).

More information on educational support for fundraising in schools, including DEA guidelines.

Thank you so much for raising money for Oxfam, we really appreciate your support! Please send us a cheque made payable to 'Oxfam GB' to:

Oxfam House
John Smith Drive

It would be great if you could also let us know how you raised the money (and be sure to include your name and address so that we can send you a thank you letter!)

Each year, we receive thousands of requests for assistance from school children and students. Unfortunately, we can't assist with specific questions, arrange interviews, answer questionnaires or arrange visits to our projects.

Oxfam doesn't facilitate school-linking programmes, but for support in finding a partner school, visit the British Council website.