Chana and Sare in their aquaponics greenhouse in Sambo, Cambodia. Photo: Patrick Moran/Oxfam.

What we're doing
We are fighting malnutrition in emergencies
When people lose their homes, jobs, crops or livestock, they go hungry. Cash grants can tide people over in the worst of a crisis, and help keep local businesses alive.
We are helping to grow food for tomorrow
Supporting local small businesses to grow food and keep livestock means people can earn an income, live sustainably, and keep feeding their families and communities.
We are Challenging the injustice of hunger
No-one needs to go to bed hungry. But so many do. Oxfam supporters challenge the world's governments to protect and provide for the people going hungry every day.
Facts about food
people around the world face chronic food deprivation.
The number of hungry people could be reduced by 100-150 million by giving women farmers more resources.
people are facing crisis levels of hunger or worse.