Stop arming Israel
Stop arming Israel

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Tell the Foreign Secretary to act for Rafah

  • Over 1.4 million women, men and children are sheltering in Rafah, in southern Gaza. Now Israel is escalating its military offensive there.
  • This escalation risks a further humanitarian catastrophe on an unprecedented scale.
  • Yet the UK continues to sell arms and provide military support to Israel, making it complicit in this crisis.
  • Email the Foreign Secretary demanding an end to arms sales, and an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire.

Tell the Foreign Secretary to act for Rafah

  • Over 1.4 million women, men and children are sheltering in Rafah, in southern Gaza. Now Israel is escalating its military offensive there.
  • This escalation risks a further humanitarian catastrophe on an unprecedented scale.
  • Yet the UK continues to sell arms and provide military support to Israel, making it complicit in this crisis.
  • Email the Foreign Secretary demanding an end to arms sales, and an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire.

This action is now closed. Here are more ways you can take action for Gaza.

Many of the people who are sheltering in Rafah have been displaced by the Israeli military multiple times, from other areas of Gaza. The humanitarian situation there, and across Gaza, is already dire. People are facing relentless bombardment, famine and disease. There is nowhere safe to go.

This latest escalation of Israel’s military onslaught comes on top of an existing crisis that plausibly risks genocide. The impact of this offensive in Rafah will be catastrophic.

If the UK ends arms sales to Israel, it will send a powerful message that the UK will not sit back and allow an invasion of Rafah to happen without acting.

The UK Government must also do everything in its power to help secure an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire. This is the best way to stop the killing across Gaza, get more aid in, and get the hostages released safely.