Photo: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

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Our G20 MP action has now closed
- Thank you if you emailed your MP about growing inequality.
Our G20 MP action has now closed
- Thank you if you emailed your MP about growing inequality.
You asked the Prime Minister to champion wealth taxes at the G20 in Brazil - So what happened at the G20 and what did campaigning achieve?
What was our G20 action? Time for a global deal to tax the super-rich
- The richest 1% have more wealth than the bottom 95% of people
- The G20 summit was a key global opportunity for action on taxing extreme wealth
- Thousands of us emailed our MP asking them to call on Prime Minister Starmer to back a deal
- Thanks to pressure from you and people around the world, a landmark agreement was made.
There are enough resources in the world to address the challenges we face. But extreme inequality is fuelling crises for people and planet. A global deal to tax extreme wealth could set a new course towards a safer, fairer future, curbing inequality and raising revenue to tackle the crises we face.
At this G20, world leaders discussed how they could work together across borders to tax ultra wealthy individuals. The agreement they made marks a much-needed milestone.
To learn more about the G20, what happened and why it matters, read our blog.