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Media calendar
Oxfam’s media calendar contains stories and reports for the coming months.
Do get in touch with the relevant contact if you’d like any more information or the duty press officer on +44 7748 761999 (calls and voicemail, no texts) or media.unit@oxfam.org.uk.
For the latest updates follow us on Twitter: @oxfamgbpress.
Visit the Oxfam Media Centre for press releases and contact details of individual members of the Oxfam Media Team.
Gaza crisis: Almost the entire population of Gaza have been forced to flee their homes and many are now facing the threat of starvation and disease, while Israel’s relentless bombardment and deliberate obstruction of the humanitarian response is making it virtually impossible for aid agencies to reach people. Oxfam is calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to end the violence, allow crucial aid to be delivered in Gaza and ensure the safe release of hostages. We are also calling for the UK to stop fuelling the crisis by selling arms to Israel. Oxfam has spokespeople in Gaza and receives frequent voice notes for media use. We also have spokespeople available in the region and the UK. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk
Climate: People in countries that have done the least to cause the climate crisis are paying the highest price with extreme weather destroying people’s lives, homes and jobs. Oxfam is calling on the UK Government to make the biggest and richest polluters pay, to help raise the vital funds needed to ensure a fair switch to clean, renewable energy in the UK as well as fulfilling our international commitments to support communities worst-hit by climate change to adapt and recover. For more information contact: Sophie Bowell / +44 (0)7810 814 980 / sbowell@oxfam.org.uk
Throughout September: Second Hand September runs throughout the month encouraging shoppers to choose second-hand fashion. Contact: Louise Lazell, +44 (0)7826 553 200 / llazell1@oxfam.org.uk
10-24 September: UN General Assembly, New York. Oxfam spokespeople available for comment. For interviews and media enquiries contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk
12 September: Style for Change. Oxfam’s London Fashion Week show calling on people to ‘Dress for the world they want - for everyone, everywhere’. For more information contact: Louise Lazell, +44 (0)7826 553 200 / llazell1@oxfam.org.uk
18 September (TBC): New Oxfam research highlighting how the super-rich are being allowed to pollute at extreme rates with their lavish lifestyles and investments whilst the people who have done the least to cause the climate crisis are being pushed deeper into poverty. Oxfam is calling on UK Government to tax the biggest and richest polluters more to help fund a fair switch to renewable energy in the UK as well as supporting communities worst hit by climate change to adapt and recover. For more information contact: Sophie Bowell / +44 (0)7810 814 980 / sbowell@oxfam.org.uk
19 September: New Oxfam report, Vetoing Humanity. The report will address the rising humanitarian need globally as a result of permanent members of the United Nations Security Council abusing their veto power. Contact: Amber Ahmad / +44 (0) 7767 919228 / aahmad1@oxfam.org.uk
20-21 September: UN Summit of the Future Action Days, New York. High-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how to deliver a better present and safeguard the future. Oxfam spokespeople available. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk
7 October: 12 months of Gaza/Israel war. Oxfam releases new analysis of the humanitarian impact over the last 12 months. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk
21-27 October: World Bank & IMF Annual Meetings. Spokespeople available. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk
Late October (tbc): Launch of Oxfam’s latest climate inequality report, building on previous reports on the emissions of the world’s richest 1 per cent. For more information contact: Sophie Bowell / +44 (0)7810 814 980 / sbowell@oxfam.org.uk
30 October: UK Autumn Budget. Chancellor Rachel Reeves will deliver the Autumn Budget. Oxfam spokespeople available for comment on measures to address the climate crisis, inequality, and international aid. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 / media.unit@oxfam.org.uk