Media calendar

Oxfam’s media calendar contains stories and reports for the coming months.

Do get in touch with the relevant contact if you’d like any more information or the duty press officer on +44 7748 761999 (calls and voicemail, no texts) or

For the latest updates follow us on Twitter: @oxfamgbpress.

Visit the Oxfam Media Centre for press releases and contact details of individual members of the Oxfam Media Team.


Gaza crisis: Over a million people have been forced to flee Rafah and many are now facing the threat of starvation and disease, while Israel’s relentless bombardment and deliberate obstruction of the humanitarian response is making it virtually impossible for aid agencies to reach people. Oxfam is calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to end the violence, allow crucial aid into Gaza and ensure the safe release of hostages. We are also calling for the UK to stop fuelling the crisis by selling arms to Israel. Oxfam has spokespeople in Gaza and receives frequent voice notes for media use. We also have spokespeople available in the region and the UK. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 /

Climate: People in countries that have done the least to cause the climate crisis are paying the highest price with extreme weather destroying people’s lives, homes and jobs. Oxfam is calling on the UK Government to make the biggest and richest polluters pay, to generate finance that can support communities most impacted by climate change as well as ending the era of fossil fuels in the UK. For more information contact: Sophie Bowell / +44 (0)7810 814 980 /


July (TBC): UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024 report outlining the number of people going hungry around the world. Oxfam spokespeople available for reaction and analysis. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 /

9 July: Oxfam publishes climate finance figures showing the progress wealthy nations have made on climate finance and estimates the true value of support to poorer nations on the frontline of the climate crisis. Contact: Sophie Bowell / +44 (0)7810 814 980 /

July (TBC): Oxfam press release on high inflation in South Sudan and its impact on the already dire humanitarian crisis in the country. Spokespeople available. Contact: Zara Sarvarian / +44 (0)7584 265 077 /

17 July: King’s Speech. The government outlines its agenda for the coming term. Oxfam spokespeople available for comment on measures to address the climate crisis, poverty, humanitarian crises and international aid. Contact: Oxfam Media Unit / +44 (0)7748 761 999 /

19 July: Opening of Oxfam's brand new Manchester Superstore. Contact: Louise Lazell, +44 (0)7826 553 200 /

w/b 22 July (TBC): Oxfam calls for a less divided society backed by new data. Contact: Louise Lazell, +44 (0)7826 553 200 /

25-26 July: G20 Finance Ministers meeting. The meeting is expected to continue conversations on wealth taxation. Oxfam spokespeople available for comment. Contact: Lisa Rutherford / +44 (0)7917 791 836 /


Late August: Launch of Oxfam’s Second Hand September, its annual campaign to encourage people to shop in a way that is kinder to people and planet – promoting donating, reusing, re-wearing and restyling clothes during the month of September – and beyond. Contact: Louise Lazell, +44 (0)7826 553 200 /

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