London fashion world joins forces with Oxfam to make a stand against throwaway fashion

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Top designers Vivienne Westwood and Henry Holland, fashion icon and singer Paloma Faith, models Lily Cole and Georgia Jagger, and actress Rachel Weisz, are among the FROW fashion pack backing Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember campaign as London Fashion Week kicks off today. Vivienne Westwood donated a handbag, and Henry Holland donated some shoes, all of which will raise money for Oxfam’s work fighting poverty.

Oxfam launched #SecondHandSeptember to encourage participants to say no to clothes that harm the planet and the people in it by saying yes to second-hand, as a step towards more sustainable consumption.

Paloma Faith, who also donated items from her personal collection, said: ‘So humbled to be asked to take part in #SecondHandSeptember and hoping it will extend to all manufactured items! I get bored easily and am happy to reuse and recycle everything on a conveyor belt! Peace of mind and a new wardrobe without the environmental damage is the dream!’

Vivienne Westwood added: ‘Buy less, choose well, make it last’.

Former deputy Vogue editor, Emily Sheffield, who has launched media company #ThisMuchIKnow, which helps people take positive action around the big headlines of the day, conceived an Instagram wardrobe challenge to promote #SecondHandSeptember. The initiative encourages people to clear out their wardrobes with their friends and followers on social media, donating items to resale clothing site Vestiaire Collective, with the proceeds going to Oxfam.

She and stylist Bay Garnett have looped in many celebrities, fashion editors and influencers.

Sheffield said: ‘I love fashion but the damage from the industry needs to be further reduced. That’s why we launched a wardrobe challenge, clearing out our clothes for Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember, and asked lots of people I know to join me. It’s time to dress more responsibly, to re-use and re-wear what we have and recycle what we no longer really want or need.’

Actress Rachel Weisz, designer Bella Freud and models Daisy Lowe and Stella Tennant, are just some of the stars that have donated items.

DJ and TV presenter Edith Bowman also joined in and donated two dresses, one which is Valentino, as did fashion stylist Grace Woodward. Storm Models, which features some of the biggest names in the business, is also donating clothing.

The carbon footprint of new clothes bought in the UK every minute is greater than driving a car around the world six times according to research by Oxfam.

Danny Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive of Oxfam GB, said: ‘We are facing a climate emergency that is already hitting the world’s poorest communities hardest. We can’t ignore the fashion industry’s enormous impact on the environment so it’s heartening to see that the London fashion world is getting behind Oxfam’s drive to encourage people to buy second-hand. We’re so grateful to former Vogue editor Emily Sheffield and the Vestiaire Collective for backing Oxfam’s campaign.

“Fashion doesn’t need to cost the earth – buying second-hand not only stops clothing from ending up in landfill, but can also be the first step on the path towards more sustainable consumption. Buying second-hand from Oxfam raises vital funds for our work fighting poverty and supporting people hit by climate change.

“There a role for brands and governments too, to end the relentless push for cheap prices, ensure workers are paid a fair wage, and to produce clothes that have less impact on the planet.’

Designer items are on sale on the Oxfam Online Shop today and on sale on the Vestiaire Collective website September 19 with proceeds going to Oxfam.

Click here to sign up to #SecondHandSeptember.


Notes to editors:


ThisMuchIKnow is a global news community all about instigating conversation around the headlines. The news is depressing. We get it. So, through our community, we focus on sharing stories from the ground, and driving positive change. Like talking to your friends, but on a global scale. We are interested in the big issues of the day – the environment and sustainability, feminism, Brexit. The Instagram wardrobe challenge for #SecondHandSeptember is our first big campaign, and we’ve harnessed the reach of more than seven million people through celebrities, influencers and designers to activate change in the fashion industry. Follow us on Instagram and sign up for early access to our app on our website For more info please email We are founded by Emily Sheffield, former Deputy Editor of Vogue, Evening Standard columnist, and Sky News commentator. is the leading global community-driven platform for desirable pre-owned fashion. Encouraging consumers to join the circular economy as the sustainable alternative to fast-fashion, the platform is unique due to its interactive community features, rare desirable inventory and its authenticity and quality control process. Launched in Paris in October 2009, has over 8 million fashion savvy members across 50 countries worldwide with offices in Paris, London, New York, Milan, Berlin and Hong Kong.  Over 40,000 new items are submitted by our community of sellers every week, which enables buyers to search amongst highly coveted and must-have fashion pieces whilst participating in the circular fashion movement. @vestiaireco

List of independent brands and the items they are donating to Oxfam in alphabetical order:

Batoko – 7 swim suits; Monkee Genes – 4 pairs of jeans and 2 tops; People Tree – a dress and a top; Rock the Jumpsuit – 2 jumpsuits; Silken Favours – a silk scarf and headband.


  • More than 60,000 people have pledged to take part in #SecondHandSeptember
  • Oxfam fashion fights poverty: Every garment sold in Oxfam’s shops on the high street and online helps beat poverty. One dress could raise enough money to provide a woman in Bangladesh with a safe bathing cubicle, a shirt could provide safe, clean water for ten people in an emergency, and a coat could help train two farmers in Rwanda to better cope with extreme weather conditions. Last year Oxfam shops raised almost £19 million for our work fighting poverty around the world – that’s life-changing.
  • Oxfam fashion is sustainable: We’re part of the solution to fast fashion because we give clothes a second chance to be sold and prevent them ending up in landfill. Our pioneering recycling hub Wastesaver saves more than 12,000 tonnes of clothing from going into landfill every year.
  • Oxfam is a global movement of people all working towards the same goal – an end to the injustice of poverty. Together we save and rebuild lives in disasters, help people earn a living, and speak out on the big issues, like inequality and climate change, that keep people poor. Join us!

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