Oxfam reaction to the escalation in violence in Israel and Gaza Strip

- Published:
- Short URL: https://www.oxfam.org.uk/mc/5xzhfx/

In reaction to today’s military offensives in Israel and the Gaza Strip, Oxfam Acting Country Director in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, Mustafa Tmaizi, said:

“Oxfam strongly urges all parties to immediately cease all military offensives and maintain restraint to prevent further escalation of violence that will only harm innocent civilians on both sides. The surge in military escalation underscores the persistent failure of leaders to address the prolonged occupation and Gaza blockade.

“Oxfam is closely monitoring the humanitarian situation alongside our local partners and international organizations. We are also assessing the safety and well-being of civilians, Oxfam personnel and partners, especially in areas lacking adequate shelters and protection.”


Fidaa Alaraj – Oxfam Food Security, Cash & Protection Coordinator (in Gaza)

Mustafa Tmaizi – Oxfam Acting Country Director (in Ramallah)

For media enquiries or interviews please contact Zara Sarvarian, Press Officer at Oxfam GB, at zsarvarian1@oxfam.org.uk, +44 (0) 7584 26 50 77

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