Reaction to passing of the government’s Illegal Migration Bill

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In reaction to the passing of the government’s Illegal Migration Bill, Oxfam’s Head of Policy and Advocacy, Katy Chakrabortty, said:

“It is devastating to see this cruel bill become an Act today. This legislation will do nothing to solve the issue of people crossing the channel in order to seek safety, rather, it will add further uncertainty to the lives of vulnerable people.

“We should have an asylum system that treats everybody with fairness and humanity, regardless of how they arrive to the UK. The only way for the UK to stop people from making these dangerous journeys would be to provide more safe and legal routes for those who need protection.

“With the passing of this Bill, the UK is not only abandoning its international obligations but also risks breaching refugee, humanitarian and human rights law.”


For more information, or to arrange an interview, please contact: Sarah Dransfield, Oxfam Senior Press Officer, on 07884 114825 /

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