The Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London overlooking the river.

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster, London in the UK. Image: Shutterstock

How you can push for a world we want

Growing inequality is causing needless suffering worldwide. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

It's time to build the fairer future we all deserve.

Let’s unite and use our voices to demand a kinder, radically better world for us all.

Email your MP

Will you ask your MP to support a kinder, radically better world? Find contact details for your MP and email to ask them to prioritise:

  • A safer, more peaceful world – including a ceasefire in Gaza
  • Fast and fair action for climate justice
  • A global economic system that tackles spiralling inequality
  • A fairer UK economy that values paid and unpaid carers

Act for peace in Gaza

The escalation in the conflict in Gaza continues to take a devastating toll on people’s lives.

Our Government has a legal and moral obligation to stop arming Israel, and to do all it can to push for an immediate, permanent ceasefire.