- How to make valuing all women's work a reality
- A call to action: Racial Justice

You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.”
Angela Davis
A call to action: Racial Justice
Since then, we’ve been looking into how structural racism shows up at Oxfam.
As part of this, it’s been vital to understand the context of other discrimination like classism, sexism, ableism, and transphobia (i.e. intersectionality).
And, although this is a systemic issue that goes beyond individuals, it looks at how each of us can play a role in progressing towards racial justice.
This includes playing our part in decolonisation. There is a colonial history all around us all, affecting the way we all behave, think, and speak. The international aid sector is built on it. That might feel like a huge thing to undo, but together we can.
And it includes starting to repair some of the damage. From Loss and Damage climate funds to cancelling debt, we can go beyond aid and campaigns, by acknowledging the harm done by colonialism to communities around the world. Let’s right wrongs and truly create the space for healing and repair.
Oxfam is a global movement made up of many people. You are one of them, and you are part of this work.
Together, we’re committing to doing things in the Nguni Bantu philosophy of Ubuntu: “I am because we are”.