Volunteer Mahiro in the Islington Oxfam Shop during her volunteer shift. Image: Gabi Torres.

Volunteer Mahiro smiling in the Islington Oxfam Shop during her volunteer shift.
Volunteer Mahiro smiling in the Islington Oxfam Shop during her volunteer shift.

Duke of Edinburgh Volunteering with Oxfam

You can do your Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE Volunteering section by volunteering in your local Oxfam shop.

How Can I get Involved?

We accept volunteers from the age of 14 although anyone under the age of 18 does need a parent or guardian's consent. You will have a chance to learn new skills, boost your CV and have fun whilst you're at it.

Tabitha’s Story

Originally, I volunteered to fulfil part of my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award requirements, but I carried on after I had completed because it's so enjoyable. I get to meet my local community and it's full of brilliant, interesting and amazing individuals. I've been involved in events at the shop like London Fashion Week and Oxjam (can I say I met Fatboy Slim? and took a selfie with an actress I love!) I've learnt how to use the till, to serve customers, to answer customers' questions and to multi-task on the shop floor. I've also worked in a team, understanding how to communicate with all kinds of individuals. Finally, I've learnt to analyse the cost and value of things. It's an economics lesson every week.”

Tabitha, 17, volunteers in our Dalston shop. She's studying maths, physics, economics and geography AS levels and works in the shop around her studies.

Got any questions? Simply get in touch with your local shop manager and they'll be able to help answer any concerns.