A school visit to the Oxfam Superstore in Oxford. Image: Andy Aitchison/Oxfam

Four children in school uniform look at a rack of second hand jeans.
Four children in school uniform look at a rack of second hand jeans.

Sustainable fashion learning resources

Youth leadership and learning resources for 11—16 year olds.

Raise awareness of sustainable fashion

Fast fashion is a 21st-century phenomenon. But it comes with a high price in terms of environmental damage and human exploitation.

These resources empower young people to raise awareness of sustainable fashion by running a campaign in their school community and organising a sustainable fashion school event.

  • Learn about the impact on the environment from making one cotton t-shirt.
  • Teach others and raise awareness about sustainable fashion in your school community.
  • Design creative displays for your school.
  • Organise a sustainable fashion event.

Also in this section

  • Sustainable fashion learning resources