Contact our gifts in Wills team
If you have any questions at all about your Will, or how to leave a gift to Oxfam, we’re here to help.
If you have any questions at all about your Will, or how to leave a gift to Oxfam, we’re here to help.
Our friendly Gifts in Wills advisors, led by Louise Palmer, are just a phone call away – simply dial 0300 200 1331 to speak to Louise or another member of the Supporter Relations team.
You can also email or write to us at:
Oxfam Gifts in Wills Advisor
Oxfam House
2700 John Smith Drive
Oxford Business Park South
Meet Louise

Louise has been working for Oxfam since January 2021 and she’s as passionate about beating poverty as you are.
She loves helping and talking to people about Gifts in Wills – and how they’re helping our global movement to build a fairer world. She is looking forward to hearing from you.