Maruf Hasan/Oxfam

A picture of a mobile phone in a hand with photos of vegetables on the screen
A picture of a mobile phone in a hand with photos of vegetables on the screen

Donate your old mobile phone

You can donate your old mobile phones at any standard Oxfam shop.

Turning a mobile phone donation into cash for Oxfam is easy. All data will be wiped on any mobile phone we put up for sale. And the safety of the charger tested. Any phones that can't be sold will be sent to be recycled through our partner CTR, which also generates income for Oxfam.

How to recycle old phones

If you are wondering how to dispose of an old mobile phone, Oxfam GB has the answer. You can recycle your old phone at any standard Oxfam shop. Find your local Oxfam shop

When you recycle your phone with Oxfam , you'll not only be reducing e-waste, you'll also helping to make a positive impact on people's lives. Find out more about the impact of Oxfam's work and how your donation could help.

What happens to my donated mobile phone?

Oxfam and its recycling partners can help turn mobile phones, gadgets and computers into money - to go towards our work around the world to end poverty.

Mobile phones get a thorough going over. If they can be refurbished, they'll be repackaged and put to good re-use.

Duds are passed on to specialist recyclers. These people are environment friendly and responsible. They dismantle every part safely - including every bit from the battery - for re-use in the industry.

Do Oxfam shops accept old mobile phones?

Recycling with Oxfam is easy, great for the environment and won't cost you a penny. We turn every mobile phone you recycle with Oxfam into cash for us to buy vital kit, such as water tanks, wells, tools, seeds, school books - and loads more. All brilliant stuff.