- Annual Report and accounts 2023-24
- Oxfam's Constitution
- Legitimacy and accountability
- Oxfam GB's Open Information Policy
- Corporate responsibility
- Information for suppliers
- Oxfam GB's Gender Pay Gap
- Oxfam's Code of Conduct
- Oxfam’s Zakat Advisory Panel
- Learning and evaluation
- Modern Slavery Act statement
- Fundraising and responding to vulnerable people
- Plans, reports and policies archive
- Oxfam's Zakat policy
- Oxfam's Impact: A Decade of Insight
- Effectiveness Reviews
- Food Producer Rights
Alexis Huguet/Oxfam Novib

Oxfam GB's Open Information Policy
We share information with people living in poverty, partner organisations, and the general public, and are also accountable to our staff, volunteers, supporters, donors, suppliers and host governments.
What information we publish and how we respond to requests for information are important aspects of accountability. We will proactively publish information, and on request will disclose information, or give reasons for any decision not to disclose (for example, to respect confidentiality or privacy). Our key criterion for the decision will be the impact on our mission, to overcome poverty and suffering. We will publish guidance about the implementation of this Open Information Policy.
Classes of information available under Oxfam GB's Open Information Policy
Class 1 - Oxfam's corporate governance
Material defining Oxfam's legal status in the United Kingdom; overall purpose and top-level governance structure, including details of current members of the Board of Trustees, and divisional directors; and explanations of Oxfam Great Britain's role within the Oxfam International confederation.
Class 2 - Current activities and significant programmes worldwide
Basic details of current significant programmes; items listing and describing current projects.
Class 3 - External communications
Oxfam's policy papers and briefings, reports and press releases.
Class 4 - Partnerships
Formal agreements with other organisations.
Class 5 - Strategic planning material
Internal documents, both universal and sector-specific, establishing Oxfam's strategic objectives including prioritisation and the allocation of resources.
Class 6 - Accounts and financial information
Financial records published in accordance with Oxfam's charitable status.
Class 7 - Guidance
Rules according to which we operate: internal guidance relating to our public functions, and external guidance specific to Oxfam.
Class 8 - The impact of our work
The research and reports by which we measure our own success and communicate our achievements.
Class 9 - Working for Oxfam
Policies that govern the creation and recruitment to Oxfam posts and the rights and responsibilities of post-holders.
Class 10 - Environmental information
Information about Oxfam's environmental policies and records of the environmental impact of Oxfam's activities. This class comprises items that would be appropriate to several other classes, but are grouped together because they cover an area of particular interest.
Oxfam and the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Oxfam donated its archive to the Bodleian Library in 2012, and, with generous support from the Wellcome Trust, a four-and-a-half year project was undertaken to catalogue this extensive collection and make it more accessible.
More information is available on the Bodleian Library website. If you have a specific enquiry please contact policyandpractice@oxfam.org.uk