- Stories of Climate Change
- Explore the work of Oxfam
- Looking beyond the single story
- Global Food Challenge
- The Human Impact of Climate Change
- Stand with Refugees
- Making Sense of the Climate Emergency
- New Year's Resolutions
- International Women's Day
- Children's Rights
- Go Bananas: Discover where food comes from
- Climate challenge
- COVID-19 responses around the world
- Raising Her Voice
- Talking about Ukraine in school?
- Sustainable Fashion - A Guide for Teachers
- The World Cup - A Fair Game?
- Talking about Israel and Palestine in school?
Virginie Mukagatare in her tea plantation in Rwanda. Photo: Aurelie Marrier d'Unienville / Oxfam

Global Food Challenge
Cross-curricular resources to investigate global food issues with ages 7-14
Global food issues are complex. While supplies have surpassed population growth, 821 million people still go to bed hungry every night.
These activities help learners to understand how global supply chains currently work, where our food comes from, and some of the challenges facing the small-scale farmers who produce it. Learners can also explore how to advocate for a fairer and more sustainable global food system.
- Discuss the causes and consequences of being hungry.
- Develop questioning skills.
- Investigate the contents of a supermarket bag.
- Discover the challenges for small-scale farmers in Malawi.
- Make connections along the strawberry supply chain from Morocco to the UK.
- Use a simulation game to understand the global food system.
- Take action for a fairer food system.